
‘Mormon Land’: Going to bat for Biden in a church that swings Republican

As the national director of Latter-day Saints for Biden-Harris lobbies for administration proposals, he foresees a day of more political balance among U.S. Latter-day Saints.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints across the United States overwhelmingly lean Republican, vote Republican and identify as Republican.

This week’s guest is not one of them.

As national director of Latter-day Saints for Biden-Harris, Robert Taber strives to swing more members toward a different direction by campaigning for the victorious Democratic ticket before the election and lobbying for the administration’s proposals afterward.

Robert Taber, national director of Latter-day Saints for Biden-Harris.

He recently endorsed Judge Katanji Brown Jackson’s historic nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, for instance, and urged the Senate to confirm her as the country’s first Black female justice.

On this week’s show, Taber discuss his partisan preferences, the issues of the day, the intersection of politics and faith, and his hopes for converting more Latter-day Saints to a new way of viewing the governmental landscape.

Listen here:

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