
Letter: Look at the big picture to solve border crisis

(Marco Ugarte | AP Photo) People line up to cross the border into the U.S. on the International Bridge 1, in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Tuesday, July 16, 2019. A U.S. policy to make asylum seekers wait in Mexico while their cases wind through clogged U.S. immigration courts has also expanded to the violent city of Nuevo Laredo.

In order to solve the U.S. border crisis, we need to look at the big picture, which hasn’t been done.

Problem No. 1 is that the people from these impoverished countries, primarily Central America and most of Africa, need to practice massive birth control. If you know that you can’t support your offspring, you should not procreate, regardless of any religious edict proclaimed by God thousands of years ago.

Problem No. 2 is that most of Central and South America is or was modeled by the Spanish aristocracy and the Catholic Church, and the United States and its people and government were modeled primarily from British law, customs and religions. This explains the continued disadvantage our southern counterparts, verses us north of the U.S. border and why they are always coming to our country for a handout. This situation puts all of our citizen taxpayers in the U.S., both black and white, under unfair stress economically and as a nation. Not to mention our $22 trillion national debt.

Problem No. 3 is that, instead of having 95% of our evening news reports showing hundreds of stressed children in detention centers on the border, how about showing balanced 50% coverage of the ”millions” of our U.S. children who live in poverty every day that, our own government has yet to help.

Ronald Overman, West Valley City

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