
Letter: Trump’s racism and climate change draw similar responses from GOP

(Carolyn Kaster | AP file photo) President Donald Trump stands in front of a 48-star flag flown on a U.S. Naval vessel during the D-Day invasion during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, July 18, 2019, in Washington.

It is as hard for a Utah Republican official to say, “It’s racist,” as it is for a Utah TV meteorologist to say, “It’s global warming.”

Sen. Mitt Romney came close when he said of Trump’s racist tweets against the “squad”: “People can disagree over politics and policy, but telling American citizens to go back to where they came from is over the line.” So close. And very brave, compared to his colleagues.

Last spring, a KSTU (FOX 13) meteorologist (I’m not sure which one) explained the long streak of cool weather was from the weakening, meandering jet stream pushing Canadian air this way. So close. If only she’d mentioned the effect global warming is having on the jet stream. Still, she was very brave, compared to her forecaster colleagues.

I understand how hard it is when so many of your constituents/viewers cannot accept that President Trump is not mentally or morally fit and that science is not a left-wing conspiracy.

Robert Kuesterman, West Valley City

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