
Letter: Outsiders — such as national PACs — should stay out of our elections

A screen grab from the ad Mia Love released attacking Doug Owens and his history with the Legacy Parkway.

I just watched Mia Love’s news conference, and she did not hold back much. Sour grapes, I guess.

I hope she finds a way to make a contribution to the people of Utah. But wouldn’t it be great if candidates stuck to the issues, policies and what they stand for? It seems to me it all started that way, when Ben McAdams announced his run for the 4th Congressional District. But after the deluge of ads that were placed by national PACs, from outside Utah, filled with vitriol and misinformation, the tone changed, dragging the candidates into a mudslinging contest.

I wish outsiders kept their fingers (and money) out of our elections and let the candidates articulate what makes them better, based on facts, not fiction, so the people have the information they need to make an informed choice.

Michael Feldman, Salt Lake City

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