
Letter: McAdams is a Democrat in name only

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Ben McAdams in Salt Lake City, Wednesday Oct. 17, 2018.

Democrats worked very hard to elect Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams to the U.S. House of Representatives. The final result of all that effort was his victory after a touch-and-go period of ballot reporting. Utah, despite the gerrymandering, had elected someone to represent the non-Republican residents of the state.

Then we learned that the joke was on us. McAdams revealed himself to be a Democrat in name only. Like his predecessor Jim Matheson, he plans to vote with the Republicans against Nancy Pelosi for speaker of the House. He may vote for a Republican instead.

Well, in two more years, we will have another chance. Maybe next time, we will elect a real Democrat.

Bill Park, West Jordan

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