
Letter: Jason Chaffetz, the Golden Wackadoodle

Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune Avais Ahmed (left) and Abdul Afridi, Trustee of the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake (right) talk to Rep. Jason Chaffetz at the Khadeeja Islamic Center, Monday, December 14, 2015.

Former quitter congressman Jason Chaffetz has written a book that exposes a diabolical secret plan by bureaucrats to undermine the Russians who won our last election fair and square. His book also explains that he is a quitter because he could better represent Utah by going on Fox TV to expose the meanies in the media who are being mean to the nice Russians. We at the Tinfoil Hat Society proudly award Mr. Chaffetz the Golden Wackadoodle for his service to Russia and Fox and to Tinfoil Heads everywhere! You have such a future in Utah, Jason!

Trent Harris, Salt Lake City

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