What was meant to be a night to remember is now a night no one will forget.
Five hours after saying “I do” and marrying her high school sweetheart, 26-year-old Angelica Dhondup was killed by a wrong-way driver traveling southbound in the northbound lanes on Interstate-15 late Friday night, according to FOX 13 news. The family held a vigil for the “forever bride” Saturday night.
After the wedding, a cousin drove Dhondup to the bride’s house to drop off wedding gifts and they were on their way back when the alleged drunk driver hit them. The cousin suffered non-life-threatening injuries.
According to FOX 13, a passerby helped the wrong-way driver and his passenger out of their pickup truck. After receiving help, the driver stole the bystander’s pickup, but troopers were able to quickly stop them and bring them into custody, Utah Highway Patrol told FOX 13. The passenger fled on foot but later returned to the scene.
A family member has set up a GoFundMe account for Dhondup, who left behind her husband and two sons and “a daughter she was a week from adopting,” the post said.
“This has been so unreal,” the GoFundMe post reads. “We’re asking for help for funeral expenses as well as rent and other living necessities for this father of 3. While he figures out how to readjust to life with out the love of his [life].”
As of Sunday evening, the crowdfunding platform had raised $7,835 of the $35,000 goal.
Editor’s note: The Salt Lake Tribune and FOX 13 are content-sharing partners.