
Letter: Prospect of new quarry in Parleys Canyon confirms this place is turning into a pit

(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) The area in Parley's Canyon where Granite Construction is proposing to excavate a limestone quarry, Wednesday, July 27, 2022. The mine would open a massive pit under Grandeur Peak, drawing massive push back from Salt Lake County officials and nearby property owners.

Whew, the speed and degree to which the state of Utah is willing to trash this state’s beauty is beyond comprehension. Power and greed control everything!

  • Deregulation that ravages nature.

  • Laws that degrade the lives of women, LGBTQ, public education, cougars, air quality, water conservation.

  • Unregulated noise pollution.

  • Unregulated air pollution.

  • Unregulated water conservation.

Growth, growth, growth at any cost!

Money, money, money, money for the few at any cost to the natural world and to the general population!

Lack of empathy, compassion, care, concern, integrity, civic goodness for the well-being of all citizens!

Destroy the natural world for the few. Destroy the air shed for the few. Destroy the quiet for the few.

Pretty soon that Mormon dream of a city in the desert will be no more. We’ll be so polluted, have so little water, have killed the GSL, created so much noise that the exodus will ensue.

It’s so sh---y. Literally. Gravel pits belching dust and consuming water. Refiners belching methane. Cars belching CO2. Inland ports belching pollutants and consuming water. Buildings obscuring the mountains.

This place is turning into a pit, pun intended.

Cali Letts, Holladay

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