
Letter: The crisis puts a nail in the trickle-down coffin

For many years, we have been told that our economic and tax policies must favor large corporations and the rich because they are the job creators and sustain our economy. Our current crisis has exposed this trickle-down theory as the fallacy we always knew it was. Our economy is not a pyramid trying to balance on its point. Rather, its very broad and stable base is ordinary people making their everyday purchases. Just like the food chain, if you wipe out the very small creatures at the bottom, the whole ecosystem collapses.

Our favor-the-rich policies have led to the absurdity of billionaire basketball teams receiving funds intended for small business owners. It is time and past time for our fiscal policy to favor “the least among us.” The CEOs have not lost their jobs. The 1% are still obscenely wealthy. But it’s the laborers who are suffering and need our support. The billionaires won’t save us.

Susan D. Driggs, Millcreek

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