
Letter: It’s time for a universal health care system

(Darron Cummings | AP file photo) A COVID-19 hot line number is posted outside of Decatur County Memorial Hospital, Thursday, April 2, 2020, in Greensburg, Ind. Three southeast Indiana counties have among the highest per-capita coronavirus infection rates in the country.

It looks like the USA’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will be among the slowest in the world. Much of the blame is being placed — justifiably so, in my view — on the slow response from the Trump administration.

Before it was a real pandemic, it was fake news, a Democratic Party conspiracy theory, caused by the impeachment trial, etc.

That said, I believe that our poor response is also, in large part, a result of our capitalistic health care system. Capitalism’s goal is to make money. We are seeing hospitals competing with each other to get personal protective equipment for their workers and lifesaving equipment for their patients. I am now hearing that health insurance premiums will explode next November.

The best solution to deal with future situations like this is to, first, elect a president and congressional representatives that will bring science back to the decision making table, and secondly implement universal health care.

Wayne Wilson, West Jordan

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