
Letter: Finding a new use for the border wall

A border patrol agent walks along a border wall separating Tijuana, Mexico, from San Diego, Wednesday, March 18, 2020, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Finding a new use for the border wall

I just returned to Salt Lake City from a family trip to Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. The coronavirus has not impacted that part of Mexico yet. The airports, restaurants, beaches and tourist attractions are full of people, including many Europeans. Grocery stores are also fully stocked, although the store near our condo did run out of tonic water. (Gasp, no gin and tonics on the beach.) I realize it’s probably just a matter of time before Mexico is impacted by the virus. But wouldn’t it be ironic if caravans of Americans began invading Mexico to escape the dangers of the coronavirus in their homeland, and the Mexican government used the border wall, paid for by American taxpayers, to keep them out?

Frank DeRosso, Millcreek

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