
Letter: How to choose a Democratic running mate

(Andrew Harnik | AP file photo) In this Nov. 3, 2016, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., appear on stage at a rally in Raleigh, N.C.

In choosing a running mate, the Democrat who wins the presidential nomination would be wise to pick one of the candidates who were running for the same nomination.

When Hillary Clinton ran, I thought she would have easily won with Bernie Sanders by her side. Voters who prefer a certain candidate could very well vote for the ticket with their favorite in second place instead of someone relatively unknown except in their own state.

Think what John McCain could have done minus Sarah Palin as a running mate. Then think what Warren/Sanders, or Sanders/Biden, etc., could do.

The goal is to defeat Trump, isn’t it?

Alice Philippi, Salt Lake City

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