
Letter: Sorry, but this is who we are

(Briana Sanchez | El Paso Times | AP) Protesters gather at the front of the Clint Border Patrol station to hear U.S. and Texas lawmakers talk about what they thought of the area facilities they toured Monday, July 1, at the Border Patrol station in Clint.

Yet another story appeared in The Salt Lake Tribune the other day describing a visit by Rep. John Curtis and other members of the U.S. Congress to the filthy, unsafe facilities where asylum seekers are being imprisoned. The pull quotes and headlines are always the same: "This is not who we are," etc.

Please, Rep. Curtis, and those of you who were there, stop saying that. Just. Stop.

This is exactly who we are. This abominable treatment of human beings is happening. And every time one of you says, "This is not who we are," or, "We are better than this," you are denying these atrocities.

Regular Americans have opportunities to get involved to stop what's happening (check out lightsforliberty.org, for one, and don't forget what's happening now when we cast our votes next year).

But our elected leaders in the U.S. Senate and House are the ones who can most immediately bring power to bear, and they are failing.

Reps. Curtis, Rob Bishop, Chris Sewart and Ben McAdams; Sens. Mike Lee and Mitt Romney: Is this the best you can do? Tour the horrific scenes and proclaim that, "We're better than this?" Really? If that's the best you can do, you're helping it all happen.

Mary L. Cranney, Salt Lake City

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