
Letter: What has our country come to?

(Francisco Kjolseth | Tribune file photo) A group faces the House chambers at the Utah Capitol on Monday, Jan. 28, 2019, on the first day of the Legislative session to rally in support of protecting Proposition 3, the Medicaid Expansion law recently passed by voters.

This is a true story regarding a Utah family.

There is a daughter who was born in the United States, so she is an American citizen. She has been awarded a scholarship to go to college and she very much wants to become a pediatrician.

Her parents are undocumented and have lived in Utah for more than 20 years. They work and have a modest income and lifestyle. They did not have health insurance because it was not offered with their jobs and they could not afford it.

Unfortunately, the mother had to have an emergency surgery, which cost $20,000, now $24,000 with interest. They are paying $150 per month, but are being harassed by bill collectors.

The daughter is thinking about not going to college, but going to California to get a better paying job and sending some money home.

What would you do if you were the daughter? How can our health care system, or lack of a good one, cause so much financial hardship? Does everything have to be funded with a GoFundMe webpage or a bake sale? What has our country come to?

Note that the same could happen if the parents were legal.

Mark Rothacher, Salt Lake City

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