
Letter: Trump’s deeds from A to Z

(Evan Vucci | AP) President Donald Trump waves as he boards Air Force One for a trip to New York to attend a fundraiser on Thursday, May 16, 2019, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md.

In response to the recent letter of the week, “A Trump Abecedarium,” submitted by Kristine Hansen. The historic results of Trump’s first two years in office:

A is for African American employment at an all-time low.

B is for border security and immigration. Funding for wall construction.

C is for China. Forcing fair negotiations.

D is for delivering on his promise to bring back manufacturing.

E is for ending the Iran Nuclear Deal.

F is for fighting back against the crisis next door.

G is for generic drugs. More affordable.

H is for health care. Cut the individual mandate penalty.

I is for ISIS. Defeated!

J is for Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

K is for Keystone pipeline approval.

L is for low unemployment. Below 4%.

M is for manufacturing coming back to the U.S.

N is for NATO. Allies’ spending up.

O is for optimism. Confidence in economy near 20 year high.

P is for prescriptions for opioids reduced 16%.

Q is for quality of jobs coming back.

R is for regulation reduction. Record number eliminated.

S is for stock market at record highs.

T is trade. Better deals.

U is for U.S.-Mexican trade deal.

V is for veterans. Signed the VA Accountability Act.

W is for wall. Build it!

X is for exports. Working on beef exports to China.

Y is for youth unemployment lowest in 50 years.

Z is for zero. Number of presidents who have these accomplishments.

Marci Esparza, Sandy

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