
Letter: I can’t afford West Jordan water

A Google map satellite view showing a West Jordan field to be developed by Bryson Garbett, a homebuilder who is a former legislator. The Legislature took an unusual step to order an $800,000 sound barrier to be built along its border with Bangerter Highway.

Everybody complains about Donald Trump, politicians and the beer laws. I would like to complain about my West Jordan water bill.

The water bill has gradually increased since January. There are no water leaks, there are only two of us and I am definitely not watering. My actual residential water usage in March in monetary terms was $20.29. So why is my bill $110.28?

The water base, storm drain and sewer all went up. What is a water base? My concern is what will happen in the summer when I am watering?

Maybe I should get a load of gravel and cactuses. Or hope that Publishers Clearing House shows up with the $7,000 a week for life so I can afford West Jordan water.

Christine Anderson, West Jordan

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