
Letter: When was Chaffetz ever fit for office?

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Rep. Jason Chaffetz talks with Utah Muslims at the Khadeeja Islamic Center, Monday, December 14, 2015.

Wow! Jason Chaffetz is declared unfit for office by a Salt Lake Tribune editorial. As John McClane (Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”) once said, “Welcome to the party, Pal!”

When has Chaffetz ever been fit for office? What was it about the current embarrassment that took you over the top?

Why should the politicization of the tragic death of a 7-year-old girl be any worse than any of the other numerous indications? His lies, conspiracy theories promoted, the embarrassing attack hearings on Planned Parenthood, his weaseling out of his term of office causing Utah to waste money holding a special election because he’s not man enough to stand up to President Trump in his role on the Oversight Committee?

Now he has a job working for the propaganda arm of the white nationalist party, otherwise known as Fox News.

You had him elected governor not a few months ago. Why? Besides the fact that he is a perfect fit for the moral bankruptcy of the Republican Party, what modicum of character has he ever shown? What smidgen of empathy for others? Is it just because he promotes himself better than Rep. Chris Stewart, the other congressional Trump-toady?

Why was he ever considered a leader or someone deserving to be a leader? The concept of leadership in this country has become so twisted – hello, Orrin Hatch – the fact that Donald Trump makes everyone look good by comparison is no grounds for being given a role in leadership.

Jason Chaffetz was never fit for office. Why did it take you so long to figure that out?

Douglas D. Reilly, Logan

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