
Letter: Too late for Hatch to call for ‘decency’

(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) The Salt Lake Chamber will award Senator Orrin G. Hatch as the 39th Giant in Our City, in honor of his exceptional and distinguished service and extraordinary professional achievement, Saturday, June 9, 2018 at Grand America Hotel.

Sen. Orrin Hatch’s last-ditch effort to “Raise the bar of decency,” as reported on the front page of the Dec. 13 Salt Lake Tribune, is not only laughable but downright insulting.

This statesman has been living under the wing of Donald Trump while learning and accepting the moral blight of his president ever since he took office. The Republican-controlled federal government has fallen into lockstep with Trump and has taken it upon itself to punish and take away from the nation’s poor and give more to the wealthiest.

The Republican-controlled government has forgotten that our American ideological fabric is born from the very idea of having and maintaining moral fiber. Had Hatch heeded the dissenting voice rather than falling into the weave of the destructive and dictatorial pocket of our current president, he might not have had to make his final speech an attempt at reconciliation.

Hugh Culley, Murray

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