
Letter: Utahns should get behind Carbon Dividend Act

Amid my anguish at the recent climate-related wildfires, droughts and storms, I paused to rejoice Tuesday when I learned five courageous congressmen came forward with a bill to effectively address climate change.

With the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (HR7173), these leaders stepped up to bridge the political divide on what has been such a divisive issue.

It's refreshing to go beyond the debate regarding climate change's impact and talk about an effective, bipartisan, revenue-neutral bill that is good for people and the economy. HR7173 is projected to reduce America's carbon emissions at least 40 percent in 12 years while creating 2.1 million additional jobs over the next 10 years.

Many thanks to Reps. Theodore Deutch, Francis Rooney, John Delaney, Brian Fitzpatrick and Charlie Crist, who came together to lead on this urgent issue. Reps. Rob Bishop, Chris Stewart, John Curtis and Rep.-elect Ben McAdams, please join them for the collective well-being of the people of our country and planet. It would be really good for Utah too!

Bill Barron, Salt Lake City

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