
Letter: Government should listen to the people

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) The dome of the State Capitol Building in Salt Lake City, Friday, February 28, 2014.

Robert Gehrke in his Wednesday column suggested that the “green wave” had been the difference in the McAdams/Love outcome. The truth is, the wave, of whatever color you choose, was the result of voters who are disgusted with those in government.

We, the voters, believe:

  1. That we are capable of choosing our candidates, as enabled by Count My Vote.

  2. That medical marijuana is a reasonable alternative to opioids.

  3. That Proposition 4 establishes a better process to determine our congressional voting districts. Further, we care about health care, and reasonable access to it, as reflected in the favorable vote to expand access to Medicaid.

Finally, we want candidates who share our values and support them, not only when they campaign but when they vote. Those who seek election would be wise to listen to their constituents instead of pandering to easy money from out-of-state special interests.

Victor Lund, Park City

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