
Letter: How to solve the Salt Lake airport’s short-term parking problems

I was delighted to read Lydia R. Berggren's letter ("Missionaries clog airport," July 24) regarding those who like to turn a flight arrival into a social event, but I would like to add concerns and possible solutions that could possibly maintain the integrity of the short-term parking facility.

Hourly parking, after the first 90 minutes, should charge $8 an hour. (For those who can't accurately access arrival and departure times, use the economy lot.) For all-day users, raise the daily maximum to $85 (good luck expensing that, business travelers). And for my favorite, the all-night users, dispense with the love-note warnings and clearly post "all vehicles in short-term parking past 3 a.m. will be ticketed and towed" around the lots.

Salt Lake International, the state of Utah has spent billions of taxpayer dollars to make you a "big boy" airport. Perhaps it's time to start acting like one.

Gary D. Ruiz, Murray