
Letter: Gehrke’s call for Ambassador Huntsman to resign was way out of line

As I read the column a few days ago from writer Robert Gehrke, I wondered who would bring him down a few notches. He apparently assumed that he was writing the letter concerning U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman Jr.’s assignment for the good of all. Wrong.

When you think you know what an ambassador to a foreign nation does or thinks, you are way out of line.

Ambassador Huntsman, in my opinion, is a perfect representative for our nation to a powerful foreign country. He is very intelligent, charismatic and an excellent leader in every way. To put it correctly, he has some class that many can never touch.

When he was our governor, I always found his decisions to be very fair and well thought out. He did not make decisions because someone else or some other governing power told him what to say.

Now he represents America and I applaud him for, once again, making his own decisions. I am sure this assignment is a very delicate and yet powerful one for any ambassador. He is a perfect candidate for this.

You overstepped your boundaries here, Mr. Gehrke. And once again Huntsman, very much on target and very diplomatically, put you in your place. You were way out of your league.

Keep doing your job, Ambassador Huntsman.

Dotty Wrathall, Draper