
Letter: Trump’s misleading statements? 3,000 and counting — that says it all

(Steve Griffin | Tribune File Photo) A driver talks on her cell phone while driving near the University of Utah Friday January 23, 2009.

Michael Feldman’s contribution to the opinion section on May 5, titled “Vanishing values,” hit the nail on the head in criticizing the “lying, exaggeration and misrepresentation” taking place in the current political climate.

The only part I disagree with is appearing to attribute this despicable trend equally across the board to include both parties and the press. That simply isn’t the way it is. I contend it’s due primarily to our current president and a few of his Republican minions who continue to mimic his gross distortions of the truth.

Perhaps the best example is the Washington Post’s Fact-Checker blog, which is keeping track of the number of untrue and misleading statements by President Trump during his first 466 days in office — a total that has now topped 3,000.

In comparing this trend with the eight years of the Obama administration, I honestly have a hard time trying to come up with any similar examples of President Obama intentionally engaging in such glaring dishonesty.

Raymond A. Hult, Bountiful