
Stuart C. Reid: This Republican will vote Biden/Harris

With the Kamala Harris nomination, I will be voting for the Biden/Harris ticket.

Sen. Harris matches Joe Biden’s left-leaning political positions, much of which I do not agree with. Nevertheless, I believe a Biden/Harris presidency can heal the nation from the toxicity of the Trump presidency, which has dishonored and damaged the vital institutions that have sustained our nation.

In addition, in no small way, I believe the nomination of a Black woman as the vice presidential nominee is also very important to this nation at this time in its history. I accept others whom I respect and love will disagree with me. Some will disagree on the basis of ideology and/or party politics.

As a member of the Republican Party, I readily recognize there will be unwelcome policies put in place that they and I will never support but, notwithstanding those legitimate reservations, I cast my vote to preserve the wellbeing of the nation if not its very survival first and foremost.

We are facing medical, economic and social disruptions the likes of which the nation cannot endure another four years under the very poor leadership and mismanagement of the Trump presidency.

My vote for a Biden/Harris presidency is an act of conscience on behalf of the preservation of the nation over the concerns of partisan politics or even policy. It is here that I must stand.

I will be voting early with a mail-in ballot for the Biden/Harris ticket. I encourage others to do the same.

May God bless America in her time of need, and may we the people become worthy to receive such blessings.

Stuart Reid

Stuart C. Reid, Ogden, served as a Republican member of the Utah Senate from 2011 to 2015.