
Political Cornflakes: Former Senate Leader Harry Reid now says the time has come to open impeachment inquiry

(John Locher | AP file photo) Former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid speaks from the witness stand, Thursday, March 28, 2019, in Las Vegas. Reid testified in his negligence lawsuit against the maker of an exercise device.

Happy Wednesday!

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is joining a growing chorus of Democrats who say it is time to open an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. As recently as last month Reid, of Nevada, warned Democrats not to go down the impeachment path. [USAToday]

Topping the news: Senator Mitt Romney gave his first Senate address, calling out China as a greater threat than Russia going forward because of its rising economic and military strength. He called for the United States to foster closer ties with its allies. [Trib] [WaPo] [DNews]

-> Five Utah nursing homes risk losing Medicaid and Medicare eligibility if they don’t improve after being flagged for quality issues by federal administrators. [Trib]

-> Former Downtown Community Council Chairman Christian Harrison withdrew from the Salt Lake City mayoral race and endorsed David Garbett. [Trib] [DNews]

Tweets of the day: From @pinkneyforssl: “Lessons I’ve learned on my first canvass as a candidate:

Lose the clipboard, you look like you’re a salesperson (thank you minivan)

Bring water (rookie move)

You know more than you think (deep breathes, you got this)

#utpol #citycouncil #ssl #pinkneyforssl #canvassdiaries”

-> From @alvarezmark: “Just the facts: More than 3,216,750 Utahns will not be running for governor in 2020. Few will make an announcement. Tweets will be tweets. #utpol #journalism”

-> From @bbart76: "My now 11 yo when I spend hours cooking an amazing meal: “this is gross”

Same 11 yo when I cook him Mac’n Cheese: “This is delicious”


-> From @youngandjoven: “Can someone write an article on millenials killing the doorbell industry by texting “here"

Happy Birthday: Happy birthday to Ernest Burgess of the Taylorsville City Council!

In other news: The Forest Service revealed a 15-year plan to use logging to clear out the beetle-devastated spruce stands of Utah’s Wasatch Plateau. [Trib]

-> Salt Lake City’s Mayor Jackie Biskupski has proposed raising parking fees. [Fox13]

-> The Salt Lake City Council decided Tuesday to find funding for the Fourth Avenue Pump House project. [Trib]

-> Salt Lake City teachers walked out of a board of education meeting Tuesday in protest over proposed salary raises they say are too small. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Utah police are attempting to navigate rules around medical marijuana. [Trib] [Fox13]

-> Pride flags on lamp posts stirred up controversy in Heber City. [Fox13]

Nationally: Republican senators threatened to block President Trump’s plan to impost tariffs on Mexican imports [NYT] [WSJ]

-> A New Yorker who threatened to kill two senators over their support for Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh was sentenced to 18 months in prison [NYT]

-> The White House instructed Hope Hicks, former aide to President Trump, not to comply with a congressional subpoena to hand over documents from her time working at the White House. Hicks has agreed to give Congress documents from the 2016 campaign. [WaPo] [Reuters]

-> Joe Biden announced support for the Green New Deal and released a 22-page climate plan [WaPo] [NYT]

-> Biden’s campaign acknowledged lifting language from others for its climate and education policy positions. [WaPo]

-> More than two dozen liberal groups authored a letter expressing frustration with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and urging her to bring impeachment proceedings against President Trump [WaPo]

-> The Trump administration banned cruises to Cuba [Reuters]

-> Elizabeth Warren has proposed investing $2 trillion in American green technology [Reuters]

-> New ICE director Mark Morgan says the agency plans to deport more families [WaPo]

-> China has warned its citizens against visiting or studying in the United States [WSJ]

-> United States stocks were at their highest in five months on Tuesday [WSJ]

-> The House passed a bill Tuesday to give Dreamers a path to citizenship. Rep. Ben McAdams was the only Utah member of Congress to vote for it. Trump has threatened to veto the bill, which still has to go through the senate [WaPo] [Fox]

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Send us a note to cornflake@sltrib.com.

Dan Harrie and Sara Tabin