
Poll: What keeps you from trying a new outdoor adventure?

Tell us what motivates you into, or keeps you from, experiencing a new outdoor activity

Feel that itch? It’s the one that prickles the skin every year at this time, when the sun is out, the shorts are on and the calendar officially says summer. It’s the itch to get outside and get away.

But maybe you’ve hiked all the short trails in your area and want to go a little farther, maybe even make it an overnight trip. Or, you’ve been riding on your Peloton all winter and now are heeding the call to see some scenery not projected on a screen. Maybe you’ve set a goal to paddle on the Great Salt Lake before it becomes a mere puddle.

What, if anything, is keeping you from it?

We want to know! Tell us by taking our poll here or below, the results of which we will share in an upcoming story. And while you’re waiting for that, keep an eye out for a pumped up slate of outdoor recreation stories coming to sltrib.com this summer. They’ll be the perfect read while you’re recovering from that climb up Mount Olympus or just putting off mowing the lawn.