
Weekly Run podcast: The Tribune’s decade wrapup of Jazz basketball, Mike Conley’s return

There’s a mix of old and new on this week’s Jazz podcast.

First, guest host Tony Jones — former Tribune Jazz beat writer — and current beat writers Andy Larsen and Eric Walden host the podcast. But the old and new comes from the topics themselves: a look back at the decade of Jazz basketball, plus a look at Mike Conley’s return to play Tuesday, and what it will mean for the Jazz.

Here’s the breakdown of topics:

0:20: From the tip: Tony is working on a story which entailed he went through a short workout for the Jazz. He was exhausted.

5:35: Breaking down the best players of the decade

14:35: The worst players of the decade

17:50: Best moments of the decade

24:40: A regret on the “best moves” list — not including Quin Snyder’s hire

31:55: Biggest front office mistakes

37:40: What impact will Mike Conley’s return have on the Jazz and the rotation?

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