
‘Weekly Run’ podcast: The 4 Stars Index and the Jazz winning in multiple ways

The Jazz are on a roll.

On this week’s edition of the “Weekly Run,” hosts Andy Larsen and Eric Walden talk about a 4-0 Jazz stretch. In fact, they’ve done so in multiple ways.

We introduce the idea that you can tell how likely the Jazz are to win a game by counting how many of Mike Conley, Donovan Mitchell, Bojan Bogdanovic, and Rudy Gobert are having a good game.

We also talk about Eric’s Kurtis Blow interview, the bench, and much more.

Here’s the rundown:

0:00: Eric Walden interviewed Kurtis Blow Wednesday. What did he learn?

7:30: Introducing the 4 Stars Index, which is eligible to be renamed

14:10: The difference in style of the Jazz’s four wins

19:00: Emmanuel Mudiay’s string of positive plus-minuses

26:20: The Jazz’s upcoming schedule: is it really easy or not?

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