
Let’s get real about the divide between Utah’s LDS and those not of their faith. We want to hear from you.

We want to know how this polarization plays out in your neighborhood — and how to solve it.

It is no secret that Utah, and especially Salt Lake City, is the Vatican of Mormonism, home to the global faith’s headquarters.

Nearly 90% of state lawmakers are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and more than 60% of Utahns show up on the faith’s rolls. A recent survey reports that nearly half (42%) of the state’s adults self-identify as Latter-day Saints.

Such predominance can produce polarization, exclusion, othering, resentment, tension, tribalism, anguish, even anger. Sometimes these divides become plain for all to see; often, though, they lurk beneath — inside homes, hearts and heads.

We want to know how this divide between Latter-day Saints and Utahns not of their faith plays out in the Beehive State’s neighborhoods?

Do you, for instance, have neighborhood socials? Do all the residents feel welcome and attend or do such parties divide along religious (or nonreligious) identities?

Do Latter-day Saint children play with kids not of their faith and vice versa? Do their parents allow them to do so?

If you’re a teetotaling Latter-day Saint, do you socialize with those who drink?

Do you see a divide play out at parks, in youth sports leagues and other neighborhood activities? Do coaches favor Latter-day Saint children or the opposite?

Do you see favoritism in real estate? Do Latter-day Saints get the first crack at buying a home? Or are they bypassed because of their religion?

Perhaps even more pressing: How does this often “unspoken divide” surface in public and private conversations?

And, finally, what do you suggest should or could be done to bridge these chasms and unite neighbors and neighborhoods?

We want to hear from you.