
‘Mormon Land’: What Patrick Kearon brings that other LDS apostles don’t

Known for his compassionate speeches, he is a convert, born outside the U.S., like Dieter Uchtdorf and Ulisses Soares, who lost his dad at age 19 and a child in infancy.

Newly named Latter-day Saint apostle Patrick Kearon brings an unusual biography to second highest leadership council of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

A British convert, he joined the faith at age 26. Kearon has lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United States. He does not have a university degree, but, having been trained in communication, his speeches are earnest, eloquent and evocative.

Kearon, who has become known for his compassionate sermons, lost his father and brother-in-law in an accident when he was 19. Later, he and his wife, Jennifer, had a child die in infancy.

He is the second European in the current Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the third born outside the United States.

What will the 62-year-old Brit’s background, passions and personality bring to the apostleship and how might he influence the global faith?

On this week’s show, Patrick Mason, Leonard J. Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture at Utah State University, addresses those question and more.

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