
‘Mormon Land’: A conversation with Denver Snuffer about the Remnant movement

Excommunicated Latter-day Saint shares his views of church leaders Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and Russell M. Nelson and discusses expanding scripture and his experiences with deity.

Some members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that their church has become staid, legalistic and bureaucratic. They yearn for more of the mystical encounters espoused by church founder Joseph Smith and his early followers.

In 2006, Utah attorney Denver Snuffer published “The Second Comforter: Conversing With the Lord Through the Veil.” It became an overnight sensation with those Latter-day Saints who wanted more spiritual experiences.

That book and the volumes that followed attracted the attention of church authorities and, in 2013, Snuffer was excommunicated.

Hundreds of other members joined him at gatherings and in small groups and thus was born the Remnant movement, which today touts thousands of adherents.

On this week’s show, Snuffer discusses the movement — its past, present and future — and his views of Mormon founder Joseph Smith, pioneer-prophet Brigham Young and current church President Russell M. Nelson, along with his experiences with deity, expanding scripture and more.

Listen here:

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