
Letter: Rep. Curtis’ embrace of the MAGA cult is particularly disappointing

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) U.S. Senate candidate John Curtis at the Utah Republican Nominating Convention in Salt Lake City on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

Few can dispute the fact that the Republican candidates running for office represent a motley crew (no offense to the musical group). The most disappointing of the group, however, is John Curtis.

At one time he was a voice of reason — a moderate Republican. Now he has drunk the Kool Aid, joined the MAGA cult, and kissed the ring. At the first sight of his commercials I can’t hit the mute button fast enough.

I can only hope that the silly grin on his face is not due to the zealotry he tries to portray but is, in fact, that of chagrin.

Sandra Williams, Millcreek

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