
Letter: The burden of paying for an NHL stadium should not be solely on Salt Lake City residents

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Hockey fans celebrate the introduction of the Utah NHL team during an event at the Delta Center on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

Gov. Cox said Salt Lake City locals and not Kanab residents should pay for the hockey stadium. Why should Salt Lake City residents be forced to pay? Stadiums are used by people from all over the state including tourists.

Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall continues to say residents will benefit but stadiums are private and require an expensive ticket to get in. A public park or trail is open and accessible to nearly everyone.

If public funds, to the tune of $212 a resident for the next thirty years, are to be used for this development, the burden should not be solely on Salt Lake City residents, who are already dealing with rising costs of living downtown, including the headaches from the constant construction.

In addition, the recent debacle involving the Salt Lake Bees stadium relocation should give the Salt Lake City Council pause in approving any tax raise for a stadium.

Joe Bateman, Salt Lake City

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