
Letter: What’s the vision for those pushing to tear down the beloved Abravanel Hall? Erecting a Smith Tower?

It is extremely concerning that the passage of the upcoming proposal for the renovation of the Delta Center area of Salt Lake City includes a threat to the marvelous Abravanel Hall. It is disheartening that the idea of the hall being torn down, altered or tampered with is even being considered — and worse that the reason is to create a parking lot.

I am a forever resident of Salt Lake City and remember well the time when Symphony Hall was built. It was built with a deep and profound love and pride for the city, the entire community and the patrons of the arts. Every aspect of the building was a vision to promote the aesthetics of the city with a respect for all those who frequented it or came to simply admire its beauty. One of the SEG spokespersons commented, “Well, it is 45 years old.” What a crass, arrogant and ignorant statement.

It is also upsetting that tax dollars could be used for any of this project. SEG wants a “playground for rich friends” built on the backs of people who will, most likely, never be able to afford to utilize this area. The idea of building residences for wealthy basketball players is an insult to every tax paying citizen, especially those unable to afford their own housing. What next, a Smith Tower?

Jeannine Marlowe, Salt Lake City

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