
Letter: The record shows who is capable of creating a better, more stable America

(The New York Times) Former President Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden.

Utahns want clean water and clean air. Founded on persecution, we say we welcome immigrants. I assumed, as a religious state, we’d favor integrity and morality. So I am surprised why a person committed to these values would vote for Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden.

Biden is a quiet force who has gotten a lot done during his term. The Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are pumping money into state coffers for conservation, to replace lead pipes, secure safe drinking water and stabilize bridges. It has put money into various energy projects to clean the air and create jobs.

Because of Biden, millions more Americans have medical coverage, better wages and safer gun laws. Infrastructure that has been ignored for the last 50 years is being addressed. The border is an issue, but climate change is one of the causes of migration. Biden’s actions are limiting fossil fuel damage. Kamala Harris has been instrumental in luring more companies to operate in Latin American countries, creating thousands of jobs so people do not have to migrate.

Biden is not a magician. Change takes time and many of the changes must be approved by a dysfunctional Congress. But because of Biden, the rights of all people are addressed.

It was Biden who led allies to support Ukraine, and he pushes Israel to humane treatment of Palestinians. There is so much Biden has done and continues to do for all Americans. He is creating a better, more stable America.

But if you judge strength as a person who does little but promises a lot, who favors the wealthy, eviscerates environmental policies, who separates families, criticizes allies, disrespects war heroes, makes fun of the disabled, lies, and tries to cut insurance coverage for millions, then Biden is not your man.

Patricia Becnel, Ogden

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