
Letter: To attract first rate lawyers to the A.G. post, a big bump in salary is in order

I appreciated your publication of Fred Voros’ op-ed respecting “fixing” the Utah Attorney General’s Office. I agree with the four suggestions contained in the op-ed, but believe that one more is necessary in order to make the process work.

The A.G. is currently paid $157,320 per year. That is less than many junior associates make at Utah’s larger law firms. Given that the proposal takes away gifts, trips and other current perks of the office, the salary needs to be raised substantially in order to attract competent candidates.

Yes, the governor makes less than $200,000 but when he/she leaves office, accumulated campaign funds in the seven figure range go with the retirement. Not so with the new Voros’ A.G. proposal.

Accordingly, I suggest that the A.G. salary be raised to $300,000 per year and indexed to the cost of living. Only then will the position attract and keep first rate lawyers in the chair.

George A. Hunt, Salt Lake City

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