
Letter: Brad Wilson is playing strictly from the MAGA playbook

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Brad Wilson, candidate for U.S. Senate, talks to delegates before the Davis County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner in Layton, on Saturday, February. 24, 2024.

Brad Wilson’s campaign ads for his U.S. Senate run are long on dog whistles and short on specifics.

As with every other Utah Republican running for office, Brad proclaims he is a “conservative fighter.” In his ads, takes a sledgehammer (literally) to “Biden’s agenda,” which, in Brad’s words, is “destroying America.”

Brad neglects to explain either this so-called “agenda” or how it is “destroying” our country.

Would equal rights for all destroy our country? Would addressing climate change destroy our country? Would affordable health care destroy our country? Would gun reform destroy our country? Would strengthening historic global alliances destroy our country?

Brad is playing strictly from the MAGA playbook. He’s the guy who made a motion in the Utah House to deny Salt Lake School District teachers their COVID-19 bonuses because he only wanted those bonuses to go to school districts that were disregarding medical science.

I’m well aware a Republican is going to take Mitt Romney’s Senate seat. I’m highly doubtful Mitt’s “replacement” will show much, if any, of Mitt’s level-headedness.

That said, we don’t need another unqualified (take your pick) flight attendant, former NFL player, target range owner, etc. in Washington.

Please vote for anyone other than Brad Wilson.

Rob Greene, Salt Lake City

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