
Letter: Tom Love should recuse himself from editorial/reporting decisions on the gondola project

(Utah Department of Transportation) A rendering of a proposed gondola in Little Cottonwood Canyon.

First, I would like to congratulate Tom Love on his becoming the chair of the Salt Lake Tribune Board of Directors/Trustees. Love certainly has the background and skill set to help America’s first not-for-profit newspaper.

Second, I hope Love will recuse himself from any editorial or reporting decisions on the proposed $1.4 billion gondola project. This request is based on the fact that Love Communications, which Love co-founded and has managed successfully for the last several years, has been the primary public-relations group supporting the Gondola Works.

I am a strong supporter of civil discussions occurring in the public square. It is just important that everyone participating in the debate knows where various financial interests lie or have laid.

Again, congratulations to Tom Love. Filling Paul Huntsman’s shoes will be a Herculean task. Utah owes Huntsman gratitude for saving and promoting unbiased news reporting.

Patrick A. Shea, Salt Lake City

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