
Letter: Rep. Petersen’s bill aiming to put biblical document in schools is unconstitutional

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Rep. Mike Petersen, R-North Logan, on the House floor during the start of 2024 legislative session at the Utah Capitol in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024.

“Rep. Mike Petersen, R-North Logan, unveiled HB269, which mandates that schools post a framed copy of the biblical document at least 16 inches by 20 inches.”

Regarding House Bill 269: According to our United States Constitution, the concept of separation of church and state is enshrined in the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

Known as the establishment clause, the opening lines of the First Amendment prohibit the government from creating an official religion or favoring one religion (or non religion) over another.

HB269, which you, Mike Petersen, propose, is unconstitutional and a waste of my money and precious legislative time.

Your role for North Logan and the state of Utah is as a representative for all creeds, cultures, and no religions. Remember, you are an elected civil servant, not a role which embodies any discussion of

religion whatsoever.

Keep the commandments of your religion in the realm of your private life, and out of the government and the lives of Utahns.

Doing otherwise is unconstitutional.

Jody Brings, Buffalo, Wyo. / Salt Lake City

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