
Letter: RFK, Jr., should have abided by existing election rules

Robert Kennedy Jr., a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, speaks in Goffstown, N.H., on June 20, 2023. (Mark Peterson/The New York Times)

I have read several news items in The Salt Lake Tribune concerning the deadline for independent presidential candidates to gather signatures in order to appear on the November 2024 ballot.

It is disheartening that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chose to file a lawsuit against Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson and others in order to move the deadline to March 5th.

Just the threat of a lawsuit caused the date to be moved and I find that very troubling. The legality wasn’t proven, but instead caving into lawyers’ demands was the end result. That is no way to run a presidential campaign.

It is clear that the party of JFK and RFK senior has vanished. What is known is that the majority of his own family has denounced him and his candidacy. There seems to be a clear shift in the Kennedy family. JFK and RFK met stated deadlines. Teddy Kennedy fell off the bandwagon in Chappaquiddick. Now, RFK, Jr. is rippling legal waters in Utah.

James A. Marples, Provo

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