
Letter: Let’s move on from the past eight years and get some new blood in the White House

David Axelrod, campaign manager for former President Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, has suggested that President Joe Biden bow out of the Democratic presidential campaign and allow a younger candidate to rise to the challenge. I would go one better.

What if both President Biden and former President Donald Trump bow out of the 2024 election?

Much has been made of Biden’s age, but Trump is only a few years younger. Both are octogenarians who would likely not survive another four years in the White House, leaving us with the potential of more turmoil in the Oval Office.

A strong candidate has already emerged in the Republican Party, in the person of former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Haley was a standout in all three Republican debates and is climbing in the polls as a result. She is also getting the attention of well-heeled potential supporters. On the Democratic side, Sen. Joe Manchin has expressed interest in running for president.

It’s my opinion that Joe Biden is running mainly to keep Trump out of the White House and that he would gladly accept a well-deserved retirement to the beaches of Delaware. Trump stands a good chance of being assigned residence in one of many Big Houses, which makes trying to put him back in the White House a futile and embarrassing endeavor.

Let’s just move on from the past eight years and get some new blood in the White House.

Let the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican parties compromise to commit not to nominate either Trump or Biden and allow fresh candidates to lead our country forward.

Makes a lot of sense to me.

David Op’t Hof, Lehi

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