
Letter: Fight back against book bans with all your might, whoever and wherever you are

(Bethany Baker | The Salt Lake Tribune) A banned book tote bag hangs up in Weller Book Works in Trolley Square during Banned Book Week in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023.

I read with great dismay the recent article in The Tribune about book banning in Utah school districts. Book banning is the sick and shameful practice of banning truthful literature in a disgusting attempt to put kids’ brains into cement braces.

It’s a sad time in history when groups of ignorant fascists try to ban reading materials that are necessary for the growth and development of Utah’s own kids. It ensures Utah’s future generations will be just as dimwitted and dull as the current lot of ignorant buffoons.

There is no book with more obscene depictions of violence and perversity than the Bible itself. Mark Twain famously said, there isn’t a child alive who hasn’t pleasured themselves to “the Song of Solomon.”

So by banning only historically correct and LGBTQ inclusive texts but not the Bible, it’s clear that these groups have no real interest in the content of the books they ban. They are only interested in scoring points with their numbskull right-wing allies.

My command to all of you is: Fight back against these book bans with all your might, whoever and wherever you are. Especially you young people who still have bright futures ahead — don’t become fascist numbskulls like the current crop of uneducated dummies who go around banning reality and hating the truth.

Rob Showell, Salt Lake City

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