
Letter: The greatest service that could be done for Republicans is to convert them to the principles of republicanism

(Rick Bowmer | AP file photo) President Donald Trump stands with Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, on Dec. 4, 2017, at the Utah State Capitol.

Mike Lee is a Republican in name only.

The “fundamental maxim of republican government,” states Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper #22, “requires that the sense of the majority should prevail.”

The “sense of the majority” was made clear in the 2020 election: Joe Biden received 51.3% of the popular vote. But Lee does not believe in the “fundamental maxim of republican government.” He worked 14 hours a day with indicted Mark Meadows to have various state officials use their prerogatives to thwart, block and overrule the majority.

Oscar Wilde said the greatest service that could be done for Christians was to convert them to Christianity. Perhaps the greatest service that could be done for Republicans today is to convert them to the principles of republicanism. Hamilton’s aforementioned essay is a good starting place; it makes the following points which Trumpites have yet to comprehend:

• It is “sophistry” to believe that a majority of the states will represent a majority of Americans. There is a world of difference between a government of the states and the government of the people.

• If the minority can always block the majority, the result is “tedious delays; continual negotiation and intrigue; contemptible compromises of the public good … greater scope to foreign corruption as well as to domestic faction.”

• We should do our business by the voice of the people: “The fabric of the American Empire ought to rest on the solid basis of the consent of the governed.”

Rick Edwin Jones, West Haven

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