
Letter: There are few senators as unqualified to handle our biggest problems as Mike Lee

(Kenny Holston | The New York Times) Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 1, 2023.

I don’t think God is responsible for climate change but Mike Lee thinks he speaks for God when it comes to the recent heavy rain in Nevada. It’s sad that Lee is oblivious to climate change. The signs that it is here and getting worse are everywhere.

Maybe it’s time that he condemn those who are opposed to thinking that climate change is real with all the rain, snow, intense heat, the 12 month tornado season, and the early melting of the icebergs. Lee told the people at Burning Man they deserved what they got, but how about the many millions elsewhere that suffered from this year’s extreme weather?

Scientists have claimed for decades that we were headed for a hot climate that would ultimately lead to an uninhabitable world. That was 50 years ago. Sadly, they are correct and we still have 50% of the U.S. population who want to disbelieve this truth. Unfortunately, many in Utah largely support Lee and Donald Trump, two climate change deniers.

We are stuck with Lee for over four more years. There are few senators as unqualified or unimaginative to handle the big problems of the country and the world as Mike Lee. God, please help us!

Bob Klarich, St. George

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