
Letter: Caricaturing people who are hurting economically is lazy thinking

A Little Bit Country | Pat Bagley

I’m a fan of Pat Bagley’s work — and I know that not every piece can be a hit. But it seems Bagley is drifting into tired waters for artists.

In other words, his dogma is becoming so deeply ingrained that he sometimes misses the obvious.

An example is found in his “Little Bit Country” cartoon. This feels like the liberal version of a conservative yelling at an unhoused person to “get a job.”

I know a lot of people who are hurting economically right now. To think these people are sitting around, drinking beer, and blaming Biden isn’t just a slight. It’s lazy thinking.

It also shows that when we become so indoctrinated into one side, we can become precisely what we find troubling in the other.

You can do better, Pat.

Steve Elliott, Salt Lake City

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