
Letter: All the books that have been deemed porn should be made inaccessible by anyone under 18

First let me say that it is awesome that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and 61% of the GOP members in Utah have totally embraced Donald Trump and all of his never ending lies. Even Fox News proved the lies, by their admission, and the $787.5 million fine they paid to Dominion.

It’s obvious that our state representatives are puppets for the LDS Church and that Gov. Spencer Cox is a puppet for the representatives. That being said, they have now clearly defined what is pornography and what is not. Just to mention a few of them, Sen. John Johnson, Rep. Karianne Lisonbee, and let’s not forget our fearless leader Sen. Stuart Adams. Remember he was interviewed by KUTV’s Chris Jones just before the vote on teaching Critical Race Theory. He admitted not even knowing what it was and that he was voting “No.” So now books such as “Nineteen Minutes,” “Forever,” Caldecott winner for best children’s book “This One Summer,” and many others, have been banned. Yet they do not think the more graphic Bible and Book of Mormon should be banned, even though they fit the clear definition of pornography.

Now in Utah you have to be 18 to purchase pornography and to view it legally. All of these books which have been banned are clearly defined as pornography. What is so absurd about the whole thing is that all of these books can be bought anywhere in the state of Utah by a 6 year old. If it is “pornography,” it needs to be treated as “pornography.” This means that any book banned by schools must only be accessible to people 18 and older, not by children.

Imagine the tax dollars spent to enforce this very serious and heinous crime. In the state of Utah this makes more sense than building the gondola. So we can use the $2 billion (probably what the gondola would cost) to pay for enforcing our great state’s pornography laws.

Let me just be clear about something. I am a lifelong Republican and a returned missionary, who is now more disappointed and embarrassed to live in Utah than I could ever imagine. With all of the many rights our state has taken away to control us, let’s not forget one of the first and most important teachings of the LDS Church: That of “free agency.” Remember??!!!

I apparently misunderstood this teaching and wasted two years of my life spreading this rumor.

But I digress. There are many rights that our gerrymandering idiots on the Hill have taken from us, but for right now. If it’s clearly porn, treat it as porn.

Alan Christensen, St George

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