
Letter: Motorcycle riders: Please be wise and wear a helmet

I recently saw a story about a young man who was killed by a drunk driver. He was riding his motorcycle.

I rode a motorcycle myself for many years, and I had a deer run out in front of me! I swerved out of the way, but the deer turned around and ran right in front of me. I was in southern Utah on a hot summer day. I made the mistake of not wearing my leathers because it was 104 degrees. We had also just stopped to take pictures, so I didn’t put my gloves back on. I was unconscious for about 15 minutes, but finally came to! I had long sleeve jeans and a jacket, but I was covered in scrapes and cuts. Especially my hands.

But, I had my helmet on. It ruined my helmet, and I got better, and had my motorcycle fixed, which was badly damaged.

I’m saying this because I would not be here to share this information if I did not wear that helmet. Motorcycle riders: Please be wise and wear a helmet! This simple decision may save your life! Especially Harley riders, which is what I rode!

Kathy Maddox, Bountiful

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