
Letter: The idea that adopting the new flag will result in the erasure of Utah’s heritage is just silly

I was astounded to read, in a recent issue of The Tribune, that flag opposers have dubbed themselves the “Are You Listening Yet PAC.” I was at the state convention recently when a delegate in favor of the resolution to oppose the newly adopted state flag ranted for two minutes straight about how we are erasing our history. Apparently, he hadn’t been paying attention just twelve years earlier in 2011 when the state flag was changed for the sixth time in state history.

The flag resolution, which was approved that day at the convention, requires that only the “old” (2011) flag be flown at any future GOP events. Given that the majority-Republican Legislature recently adopted the new design, that resolution makes the party look pretty dumb.

What people don’t seem to understand is that the current flag is nothing more than the state seal superimposed on a blue background, a cheap design shared by twelve or so other states, which makes it look boring in comparison to some really great flags in places like Arizona, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Ohio and others.

If you don’t care for the new design, that’s fine. But the idea that this change will result in the erasing of our heritage is just silly given the above information.

This lack of knowledge about the history of Utah’s flag on the part of supporters of the resolution makes me wonder just exactly who it might be who isn’t listening or learning or taking any real initiative to inform themselves.

You can see for yourself the old designs of the state flag along with the years in which they were official by looking up “flag of Utah” on Wikipedia.

David Harris, Salt Lake City

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