
Letter: Here’s hoping the Utah Democratic Party supports actual Democratic candidates in the future

After reading Matt Lyon’s self-promoting commentary regarding Utah Democrats, I went to the online edition to find the comment section already “closed” to further comments. Not helpful, Salt Lake Tribune!

Matt tries to bedazzle us with his wisdom on how Democrats in Utah should position themselves in the future. Of course, he is hoping more candidates will employ his Blueprint Public Affairs company.

He has the gall to bring up the Misty Snow campaign of 2016 where she had a mere $76,888 to run a Senate campaign against Mike Lee. Evan McMullin still lost in 2022 with $7,771,883 to spend on his quest to beat Lee. Matt doesn’t mention that McMullin raised most of his money from securities and investment firms, just like Lee. Of course now McMullin is employed by the Maryland-based Enlightenment Capital, which focuses on laundering public money for the military industrial complex.

I would hope that future leadership in the Utah Democratic Party would give some money and enthusiasm to actual Democratic candidates – like Clare Collard (who lost by 67 votes), Elizabeth Weight (who lost by 127 votes) and Kael Weston who traveled the state nonstop to promote and support Democratic candidates after his candidacy for Senate was destroyed by the UDP convention coup.

I dearly hope Democratic candidates like Hope Goeckeritz, Nick Mitchell, Glenn Wright and Davina Smith will continue to speak out and run for office.

Christine B. Helfrich, Millcreek

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