
Letter: Utah GOP aims to make it impossible for a candidate to be on the ballot as a result of collecting signatures

Well, here go those arrogant legislators again! House Bill 393 would ensure that a candidate at the Utah Republican convention who received 70% of the vote would avoid a primary election.

That would mean, in effect, that the convention would choose who would be the Republican candidate on the ballot in the general election. It would make it impossible for a candidate to be on the ballot as a result of collecting signatures. It’s just another attempt by the Republican Party in Utah to shut out voters, ignore the ability of the general public to elect a candidate who represents them and not the party, and continue the process of turning all government decisions over to the Legislature.

Our democracy is at stake here. The idea that people can choose who represents them is the basic tenet of our form of government. Please contact your legislators and ask them to vote no on House Bill 393.

Elizabeth Tubbs, Holladay

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